As the title of today’s post suggests, we’ve got a lot to cover in this, one of our final posts of the year, so let’s get right to it.
We promised this in last week’s post — BioDesign Wellness is offering an innovative program for the New Year that features a 30-day medically-supervised detox for only $799 (which is much less than our normal $1,900 price for a 60-day program and includes all the supplements you need, plus three one-on-one coaching sessions).
In order to participate, you need to purchase the detox kit from our office by the cutoff date of Friday, Jan. 18.
The kit can be purchased over the phone and mailed to your home or office, or you can stop by and pick it up at our Tampa functional medicine clinic. For questions or further details, please call our patient care coordinator, Lori, at (813) 445-7770.

If you’re unfamiliar with our detoxification program, please read “Tampa’s Poor Water Quality Calls for Detoxing Twice Annually.
That post reveals the results of a government tap water study that cites 20 regions of Florida that contain drinking water with high levels of chromium-6 — which has the ability to cause liver damage, damage nerve tissues, cause skin irritations, and harm the kidney.
Among those regions are Tampa and Sarasota, where water quality testing at 10 of 12 water utilities reveal unsafe levels of drinking water due to chromium-6.
Here at BioDesign Wellness Center, we recommend cleaning your organic filters — your liver and kidneys — twice a year for maintenance, which means participating in a medically supervised detox program such as the one we are currently offering at a large discount.
While you could go with the over-the-counter detox method, it has been our experience that such treatments leave out essential ingredients and add some ingredients that just aren’t necessary.
In addition, detoxing isn’t as simple as it might seem, and a drug store visit can lead to poor outcomes and even some nasty reactions from “aggressive” and unsupervised methods of detoxification.
Again — contact Patient Care Coordinator Lori at (813) 445-7770 for additional details.
New for 2019 — Medical Solutions for issues with Mold
Also new for the New Year, we are pleased to offer an expansion of our medical offerings to help people who have been exposed to water-damaged buildings and mold.
As you may know, our functional medicine team has been fine-tuning its solutions to a number of health concerns that directly relate to digestion, hormone imbalance, and brain health.
Part of this expansion process has resulted in recent findings that mold — especially in the Tampa area where our practice is located— is causing many of our patients to become ill for what to the untrained eye appears to be no particular reason. Our findings show that mold can create hormone imbalances in both men and women.
Many people are justifiably concerned about outdoor air pollution, especially in urban areas and near manufacturing or power plants. However, indoor air quality often poses a bigger and more widespread risk, especially in water-damaged buildings.
In fact, studies show that the air within water-damaged structures often contains a mixture of fungi, mycotoxins, bacteria, endotoxins, antigens, lipopolysaccharides, and biologically produced volatile compounds.
When combined, these ingredients can play havoc on our immune systems, resulting in a condition now known as Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS). As a result of complaints from — and follow-up testing on — our patients, we have designed an 11-step protocol to help those suspected of suffering from CIRS.
In fact, if you haven’t done so yet, please read our blog post entitled “BioDesign Discovery Can Tell if Your Home is Making You Sick,” which provides deep background information on the impetus for our 11-step Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome treatment protocol.
New Year’s Eve Healthy Eating and Drinking Tips
Finally, any opportunity we have to expand on eating and drinking suggestions for those venturing out to celebrate the arrival of the year-end holidays, we’re going to take it — and today is no exception!
In addition to what we shared earlier this month in How to Have Your Cake and Eat It Too This Holiday Season, below are some additional tips to consider as we head into the first of two pre-holiday weekends:
- Drink slowly and avoid alcoholic beverages with high amounts of sugar.
- If wine is your holiday vice, consider consuming keto-based organic wines.
- Whatever you do, don’t skip breakfast. It’s a misconception that you’ll be able to consume more at brunch or dinner by doing so. The truth is, this approach will inevitably backfire, and you wind up eating way too much and suffering overnight and the following morning.
- Enjoy your time around food and drink, and don’t feel guilty — the cortisol response associated with feelings of guilt will only add more weight.
- If you’re already in the habit of avoiding gluten, continue to avoid it over the next two weeks. Trust us when we tell you that your investment in becoming gluten-free has been worth it and that you don’t want to have to start the new year off by weaning yourself off of gluten again!
Disclaimer: The information in this blog post on the value of medically supervised detoxification programs, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, and tips for eating and drinking during the holidays is provided for general informational purposes only and may not reflect current medical thinking or practices. No information contained in this post should be construed as medical advice from the medical staff at BioDesign Wellness Center, Inc., nor is this post intended to be a substitute for medical counsel on any subject matter. No reader of this post should act or refrain from acting on the basis of any information included in, or accessible through, this post without seeking the appropriate medical advice on the particular facts and circumstances at issue from a licensed medical professional in the recipient’s state, country or other appropriate licensing jurisdiction.