By now, most people are aware of the importance of gut microbiota to their overall health. Gut microbiota is the term used to reference the collection of bacteria and other microorganisms living in our intestines. In fact, the number of microbes living in your gut outnumbers the total human cells that comprise your body! This increasing awareness of the importance of gut microbiota to one’s health has driven explosive growth in the probiotics market. According to Zion Market Research, the Global Probiotics Market is expected to increase from $40 billion in 2017 to nearly $66 billion by 2024. Regardless of the amount of money being spent on gut health, each person’s gut microbiota is as unique as their fingerprint. If you stayed in a hotel room for a week, researchers could swab the room and identify it was you based solely on the bacteria you left behind! Yet, some of you […]