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Intestinal Permeability

In Part 1 of this two-part series on leaky gut and intestinal permeability, we explained what leaky gut is, described its symptoms, and revealed its most common causes/triggers. We also pointed out that many in the conventional medical community still do not recognize leaky gut as a legitimate medical illness. However, those of us in the medical community who are more familiar with diagnosing and treating the condition believe otherwise. We know that there are several lab tests for diagnosing leaky gut (or ruling it out), and we have witnessed the positive impact treatment has had on the lives of our patients. In this part, we describe the various tests we use for diagnosing or ruling out leaky gut and the treatment protocol we follow to restore gut health, address related conditions caused by leaky gut, and start making our patients feel better overall. Testing for Leaky Gut There are […]

So much has been written about leaky gut that is has almost become a household phrase. “Hi Mom, how’s your leaky gut today?” Well, maybe it’s not that well established, but we can tell you that when our medical team started in practice, most doctors in the conventional medical field considered leaky gut to be holistic quackery. In fact, the Canadian Society of Intestinal Research (the GI Society) continues to claim leaky gut is a myth. (Although they do recognize “increased intestinal permeability in those who have Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, in individuals receiving chemotherapy, and those who have a high intake of bowel-damaging substances such as aspirin and alcohol.”) Even though much of the conventional medical community is reluctant to recognize leaky gut as a legitimate medical condition (or insist that it is somehow different from “intestinal permeability”). We here at BioDesign Wellness are encouraged by the increased discussion