The history of Hormone Replacement Therapy from a medical doctor’s perspective.
Weight Loss
Can eating fat make you thin? Proponents of the ketogenic diet (the keto diet) say, “Yes!” And they’re right. When you starve the body of carbohydrates — either by fasting for several days or by following a high-fat, extremely low-carb diet — your body’s metabolism shifts from glycolysis (burning sugar/carbs) to ketosis (burning fat). Stay in ketosis long enough, and your body literally burns away stored fat, assuming, of course, you don’t significantly increase your total caloric consumption. Rationing Your Macros To shift from glycolysis to ketosis, you must consume the proper ratio of macronutrients (fat, protein, and carbohydrates): About 70% to 75% fat About 20% to 25% of protein Less than 5% carbohydrates For example, a woman weighing about 200 lbs. needs to eat about 2,000 calories per day to maintain her weight. The amount of fat, protein, and carbs she would need to eat to achieve ketosis would be as follows: